Palma– Fare Vela e’ venuta in possesso delle foto del My Song caricato a bordo del cargo panamense Brattingsborg prima dell’incidente accaduta la notte tra sabato e domenica a nord di Maiorca e in cui la barca da 30 milioni di euro e’ andata persa. Il Brattingsborg aveva fatto scalo a Palma dopo essere arrivato dai Caraibi ed era diretto a Genova.
Come si vede nelle foto il My Song, lungo 40 metri era collocato a centro nave con l’albero in posizione, sistemato su un invaso con cinghie di tenuta a poppa, mezzanave e prua. Con lui viaggiavano almeno altri quattro yacht sui venti metri.
La compagnia che effettuava il tarsporto, la Peters&May, specializzata proprio nel trasporto di grandi yacht, ha diffuso questo comunicato per voce del suo CEO David Holley. Peters & May afferma che a una prima indagine la perdita a mare del My Song sarebbe stata dovuta a un cedimento strutturale dell’invaso fornito dal sailing team del supermaxi. Si annuncia, quindi, una lunga diatriba legale tra compagnia, armatore e assicurazioni.
Lo riportiamo in modo integrale, come specificatamente richiesto dalla compagnia:
“This press release is in response to the ongoing media speculation in reference to the loss of sailing yacht MY SONG in the Mediterranean.
We would not normally comment on cargo incidents but given the high-profile nature of this yacht and the media interest we feel that we need to formally give some clarification. There are several individuals passing judgement on what may or may not have happened and we will attempt to offer some clarity, albeit at an early stage of the investigation. Our reputation is second to none and we will not have it tarnished by unqualified individuals passing judgement without facts in hand. I will add that I am disappointed that confidential photographs were leaked to the media.
We were informed of the loss of a yacht from the deck of the MV Brattinsborg at approximately 0400hr LT on 26th May 2019. The yacht is sailing yacht MY SONG. Upon receipt of the news Peters & May instructed the captain of the MV Brattinsborg to attempt salvage whilst 3rd party salvors were appointed.
The vessel maintained visual contact with MY SONG until the air and sea search was initiated. As of 0900hr BST on 28th May 2019 the salvage attempts are still ongoing. To ensure the safety of the remaining yachts, Peters & May have instructed the carrying vessel to continue her planned voyage to Genoa. No other yachts have been affected by this incident.
A full investigation into the cause of the incident has been launched, however the primary assessment is that the yacht’s cradle (owned and provided by the yacht, warrantied by the yacht for sea transport and assembled by the yacht’s crew) collapsed during the voyage from Palma to Genoa and subsequently resulted in the loss of MY SONG overboard. I will add that this is the initial assessment and is subject to confirmation in due course.
As a leading yacht transporter for the past 40 years we take great pride in what we do and go above and beyond all standard operating procedures to ensure safe transit of all yachts carried by us. We have procedures in place to respond to this kind of incident, although we hope that they are never required.
This incident is more than regrettable, however the transport of yachts on cargo vessels continues to be one of the safest and most cost-effective solutions when carried out by a reputable company such as Peters & May.
More information will be made available in due course but in the meantime, I request that everyone respects the sensitivity of this issue to all parties concerned.
If this statement is published it should be published in full”.
Alberto Rizzi
May 28, 2019 @ 17:40
The reputation on PeM by my personal experience is not so brilliant…
In 2001 we send Amer Sport Too (VOR 60) from Southampton to Palma and they lift the boat in Palma before we arrive with out the back lines and they smash the top of the mast in to the crane damaging it, than we arrive and they set again the boat on the cradle without saying nothing about the lift attempt.We took the boat to the Real Club of Palma and went on top to fix the BeG Wind antenna than the bowman found the sad surprise…..We try to talk first with the Captain of the Vessel than with the Company but at the end ten thousand euro were spend to fix their mistake and the carbon mast of 30 meters sure not as before.